• Credit Information Solution

  • 360 Customer Credit View

  • Higher Profits Due To Better Quality Loans


Credit Information Solution

Co-operative credit societies, Multi-states and Nidhi companies extend financial credits to their members. However, generally, they do not have access to reliable credit history of the borrower. This lack of credit information results into higher NPAs.

ULTIMUS Merit Solution provides reliable credit information of the borrowers.

Key features

  • Online Solution.
  • Multiple Credit Bureaus - TransUnion CIBIL & CRIF Highmark
  • Reports Include Borrower’s Loans information from various financial institutes like Banks, Finance Companies, Co-operative Credit Societies etc

Frequently Asked Questions

ULTIMUS Merit is the web based credit information reporting solution which provides potential borrowers’ credit history in an online manner. This helps Co-operative Credit societies, Multi-state Co-operative Credit societies and Nidhi Companies to extend loans to their members with good credit history and help reduce the NPAs.
ULTIMUS Merit solution reports include host of credit related historical information of an existing or potential borrower. This includes current and past loans taken by an individual, details of every installment paid by the borrower and if they were paid on time. Reports also include the information about legal cases / write-offs pertaining to loans taken by the borrower. Based on all the available credit history, the system also displays the credit score ranging between 300 and 900 points (higher the better). Apart from this, reports include recent credit enquiries made by the borrower with various financial institutes.
In India, the Reserve Bank of India has approved companies like TransUnion CIBIL and CRIF Highmark to act as credit bureaus. These bureaus provide credit information based on the data provided to them by lending financial institutions like banks, finance companies etc. The information is fetched based on the PAN or Aadhaar numbers of the borrowers.
ULTIMUS Merit provides credit and 101 cases information from the participating Co-operative Credit societies who are willing to share such information with others.

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